Complete Science Fantasy of Raymond F. Jones Complete Science Fantasy of Raymond F. Jones

Complete Science Fantasy of Raymond F. Jones

Great Gray Plague, Unlearned, Human Error, Cubs of the Wolf, Colonists, Year When Stardust Fell, Memory of Mars

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Publisher Description


The Great Gray Plague (1962)

The Unlearned (1954)

Human Error (1956)

Cubs of the Wolf (1955)

The Colonists (1954)

The Year When Stardust Fell (1958)

The Memory of Mars (1961)

The Great Gray Plague (1962)

There is no enemy so hard to fight as a dull gray fog. It's not solid enough to beat, too indefinite to kill, and too omnipresent to escape.

The Unlearned (1954)

The scientists of Rykeman III were conceded by all the galactic members to be supreme in scientific achievement. Now the Rykes were going to share their vast knowledge with the scientists of Earth. To any question they would supply an answer—for a price. And Hockley, of all Earth's scientists, was the stubborn one who wanted to weigh the answers with the costs....

Human Error (1956)

The government was spending a billion dollars to convince the human race that men ought to be ashamed to be men—instead of errorless, cybernetics machines. But they forgot that an errorless man is a dead man....

Cubs of the Wolf (1955)

It may be that there is a weapon that, from the view point of the one it's used on, is worse than lethal. You might say that death multiplies you by zero; what would multiplication by minus one do?

The Colonists (1954)

If historical precedent be wrong—what qualities, then, must man possess to successfully colonize new worlds? Doctor Ashby said: "There is no piece of data you cannot find, provided you can devise the proper experimental procedure for turning it up." Now—about the man and the procedure....

The Year When Stardust Fell (1958)

The copper-yellow glow of the comet seemed to have brought the whole world to a grinding halt. Airplanes, trains, generators and heavy machinery were immobilized. Finally man was left with only a few primitive tools. In the resulting chaos parts of Mayfield were burned and looted by hunger-crazed mobs that stole and killed as they advanced.

Here is science fiction at its thrilling best. A startling and thought-provoking book that shows how human nature might react to catastrophe.

The Memory of Mars (1961)

"As soon as I'm well we'll go to Mars for a vacation again," Alice would say. But now she was dead, and the surgeons said she was not even human. In his misery, Hastings knew two things: he loved his wife; but they had never been off Earth!

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