Kodak Catholicism: Miraculous Photography and Its Significance at a Post-Conciliar Marian Apparition Site in Canada. Kodak Catholicism: Miraculous Photography and Its Significance at a Post-Conciliar Marian Apparition Site in Canada.

Kodak Catholicism: Miraculous Photography and Its Significance at a Post-Conciliar Marian Apparition Site in Canada‪.‬

Historical Studies 2004, Annual, 70

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Publisher Description

In 1905, T.B. Hayward pointed his camera in the direction of a mysterious iceberg off the coast of St. John's, Newfoundland and snapped a picture of what is likely the oldest known photograph believed to be a depiction of a supernatural Christian presence. Since that time, Catholics have increasingly utilised the photographic process in the hope of documenting supernatural phenomena, creating sacred proofs, and being in contact with the divine. This practice, also known as "miraculous photography," has become especially prevalent and important in the post-Conciliar period among Marian devotees and other Catholics yearning for external signs of their Catholic religious faith. This essay examines miraculous photography from a Canadian perspective. It is primarily concerned with tracing the antecedents of this ritual activity, documenting its emergence within the Canadian Catholic tradition, and exploring its role and significance at the level of Catholic popular piety. In addressing this last point, the essay relies heavily on ethnographic information gathered from devotees of a post-Conciliar Marian apparition site located in Marmora, Ontario, Canada. En 1905, quand T.B. Hayward pointa son appareil-photo vers un mysterieux iceberg au large de la cote de Saint-Jean a Terre-Neuve, il a probablement pris la plus ancienne photographie connue representant la presence d'une entite surnaturelle chretienne. A cette epoque, de plus en plus de croyants catholiques utilisaient la photographie dans l'espoir de documenter des phenomenes surnaturels, de produire des preuves sacrees et d'etre en contact avec le divin. Cette pratique, egalement connue sous le nom de photographie miraculeuse , est devenue particulierement repandue et importante dans la periode post-conciliaire parmi les devots de Marie et autres catholiques recherchant des signes exterieurs de leur foi catholique. Cet essai s'interesse a la photographie miraculeuse dans les limites d'une perspective canadienne. Les buts principaux de cette recherche consistent a retracer les antecedents de cette activite rituelle, a documenter son apparition dans la tradition catholique canadienne et a explorer son role et sa signification au niveau de la pratique religieuse populaire catholique. Pour repondre a cette demiere question, nous nous baserons de maniere importante sur l'information ethnographique recueillie de la recherche menee sur les devots d'un emplacement situe a Marmora en Ontario, ou de nombreuses apparitions de Marie ont ete rapportees durant la periode post-conciliaire.

1 January
The Canadian Catholic Historical Assn.

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