Leaders Eat Last
by Simon Sinek - Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't – A Comprehensive Book Review
- €3.49
- €3.49
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A Comprehensive Book Review of Leaders Eat Last
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“Leaders Eat Last” is a book written by Simon Sinek. The book talks about leading people and what being a true leader means. The reason the book was titled “Leaders Eat Last” was thanks to one military rule. This military rule states that if there is not enough food for all people, leaders will miss out. This is not only about food. It is about what a true leader is and how they behave. This is what this book teaches.
As we read the book, we will have the opportunity to learn why true leaders lead the way they do. Moreover, we will learn their habits, the meaning of Circle of Safety and much more.
Simon Sinek is both the author and a motivational speaker. This was not his first book. However, “Leaders Eat Last” can be considered a continuation of his highly successful work and thus it is well worth a reader’s attention.
Here is a Preview of What You Will Get:
⁃ A Detailed Introduction
⁃ A Comprehensive Chapter by Chapter Book Review
⁃ Etc
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