Leaving I Behind Leaving I Behind

Leaving I Behind

Publisher Description

The most dramatic step toward God is when the person chooses to leave the self behind and join completely with the All. In book five of God's teachings, He demonstrates that we are all one in the same and should behave accordingly if we truly wish to be more Godly. Leaving I behind is the step the seeker of God takes when leaving selfishness and ego in the past and moving toward total unity of purpose with all others. Until selfish motives are left behind, unity with God is not possible. God sees everyone equally and so must we if we are to truly know God.

As children, we are ego-centric and believe that the world revolves around us. As we mature, we learn that the world is full of people just like ourselves and that we must have a more broad view of life. As we grow spiritually, we learn that selfishness has no place in our lives and that we must enjoin ourselves with the whole in order to find the unlimited vantage point of God. Seeing life as through God's eyes allows us the only hope for true freedom available to mankind. True freedom only comes through the unselfishness of unity. Once a person can step outside of self, the whole world does take on a different perspective – a perspective that demonstrates that all are equal and each is simply doing what is right for them.

Our preconceived notions about what is right or wrong are based on our own experiences and should not be imposed on others. God has given each of us free will to do as we see fit and it is not our place to judge others. Without judgment, we are truly free and become more Godly and are thusly able to walk in spiritual mastery.

Religion & Spirituality
9 February
K. C. Boone, MSFE
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