Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security

Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection

Theoretical and Practical Approach

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Publisher Description

This book collects the latest research results on security-related advanced technologies. The chapters contain relevant and interesting topics from numerous research. Data science and artificial intelligence research nowadays one of the most important topics for the industry and the security sectors. The autonomy and counter-autonomy research topic are also very interesting. Autonomous cars have become a part of the common days, but their safe and secure application is not assured. The research results in this field want to support and assure safe and secure autonomous applications in our quotidian life. Also, the safe and secure robotics in the industries and the defence assure a high standard of living and the given research results in this area can use to increase it. The researchers work on it and publish the results that can be interesting for the other researchers and the innovators, but also the industrial part members. The researchers work on it and publish the results thatcan be interesting for the other researchers and the innovators, but also the industrial part members. Communication is a part of our life, but the communication systems mesh all around the world. Communication is the basis of modern life because without it life stop. One other interesting and very important research area is the material sciences. Virtual life cannot exist without hardware and materials. The new technical applications require new materials, that can suffice the mechanical and physical, chemical properties demand. Nowadays a common requirement of the materials the high strength and lightweight. Researchers want to serve the industrial requests and innovate new composite materials or increase the properties of the material through a new technological process. The authors publish the latest results of the security-related research area including the newest innovations and technologies which rise the interest of the defence and the modern industries even the interest of other researchers.

Science & Nature
5 September
Springer Netherlands
Springer Science & Business Media LLC
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