Service and Operations Management Service and Operations Management

Service and Operations Management

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Publisher Description

The purpose of this book is to provide cutting-edge information on service management such as the role services play in an economy, service strategy, ethical issues in services and service supply chains. It also covers basic topics of operations management including linear and goal programming, project management, inventory management and forecasting.

This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to services and operational management challenges; it draws upon the theory and practice in many fields of study such as economics, management science, statistics, psychology, sociology, ethics and technology, to name a few. It contains chapters most textbooks do not include, such as ethics, management of public and non-profit service organizations, productivity and measurement of performance, routing and scheduling of service vehicles.
Contents:PrefaceUnderstanding Services:The Important Role Services Play in an EconomyThe Nature of Services and Service EncountersCustomers: The Focus of Service ManagementGlobalization of ServicesService Strategy and CompetitivenessEthical Challenges in Service ManagementBuilding the Service System:Technology and Its Impact on Services and Their ManagementDesign and Development of Services and Service Delivery SystemsSupply Chains in Manufacturing and Services and Their ManagementLocating Facilities and Designing Their LayoutOperating the Service System:Managing Demand and Supply in Services(Supplement) Queuing and SimulationService Quality and Continuous Improvement(Supplement) Tools and Techniques of Total Quality ManagementService Productivity and Measurement of PerformanceManagement of Public and Private Non-profit Service OrganizationsTools and Techniques for Managing Service Operations:Forecasting Demand for ServicesVehicle Routing and SchedulingProject ManagementLinear and Goal ProgrammingService Inventory SystemsAppendix: Areas Under the Standard Normal CurveIndex
Readership: Students at the graduate and undergraduate level, professionals as well as members of public with a keen interest in service operations management.
Keywords:Service Management;Operations Management;Quantitative MethodsReview:Key Features:It is well known that most managerial problems have multiple dimensions. Considering these challenges as purely problems that belong to a single discipline (e.g. marketing, finance, operations, etc.) would be a short sighted approach. Therefore, this book takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the challenges service and operations managers face by drawing upon the theory and practice of fields such as economics, management science, statistics, psychology, sociology, ethics and technologyThis book has some unique chapters most operations or service management textbooks either do not cover at all or do not devote a chapter, such as ethical challenges service managers face, routing and scheduling of service vehicles, management of public and nonprofit service organizations, productivity, efficiency and measurement of performanceAnother key feature of this book is that it includes quantitative chapters that introduce students to some of the most frequently used business analytics techniques by managers. Most of the discussion in these chapters do not require any math beyond what business students take as required courses

Business & Personal Finance
26 December
World Scientific Publishing Company
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