So Let It Be Done Write That Book So Let It Be Done Write That Book

So Let It Be Done Write That Book

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I am going to show you the easy way to write your book. My method delays the difficult parts, such as format and style, letting you concentrate on getting your ideas down.

If you are writing non-fiction the concepts still apply. Write and build your book from the skeleton outwards. Flesh it out later.

You have no story, no book, unless you write it. Too often we give up because we are trying to do it all at the same time. We are getting the story down while building characters, relationships, plot, sub-plot, back-stories, and all the while worrying about spelling and grammar too.

No wonder you couldn't get past the beginning or didn't know where to start!

The gist of the concept is that nothing will get done unless you sit down and write. It doesn't matter if it is worthless crap, you can fix it later. Just get it done!

You will be your worst critic. I didn't write for years because I thought I didn't have enough life experience to make anything believable. Many pages have been tossed out because when I re-read my lines I thought 'what rubbish'.

Do you know why I thought it was rubbish? It was because I was writing off the top of my head. I had no plan, no outline, and had no real idea where it was going. That got fixed.

I want to fix it for you right now. You are going to have a plan and work from an outline, with an idea of where you are going from almost the start. Trust me, it works.

I have one piece of advice for you that is not my own. If you want to write, just do it. That sage piece of advice came from a book called 'The Literary Life' by Carolyn Cee. I credit her with giving me the attitude needed to begin, keep on, and finish my novel We The People.

People can be judgmental, which is why I said earlier not to let anyone read your story before YOU think it is finished. That is something you will have a very hard time convincing yourself, that it is finished. At some point you will have to force yourself to put down the pen or shut down the word processor and admit that it is actually done.

Health & Well-Being
21 June
Michael Raymond

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