The Guy Under the Sheets
The Unauthorized Autobiography
- €4.49
- €4.49
Publisher Description
"This hugely entertaining pack of lies reads like a Woody Allen essay from the New Yorker."—David Pitt, Booklist
Is Chris Elliott a highly successful and beloved comedian—or a slightly dim-witted notalent from a celebrity family who managed to convince a generation of disillusioned youth that he was funny? From a ghastly childhood on the posh Upper East Side to his fi rst job entertaining mobsters with his Judy Garland impersonation, Th e Guy Under the Sheets is packed with countless episodes from the life of a mediocre artist who somehow faked his way to the top—of semi-moderate fame and fortune. Woven throughout the ctional fun in Elliott's memoir are wonderful real-life anecdotes that will delight many new readers and loyal fans alike.
"The arc of [Elliott's] career remains unique and inspiring . . . that he blazed a trail for Arrested Development and Community and all the other freaky, convention- outing TV comedies."—Grantland
Comedian and author Elliot's fictionalized comic autobiography tells the story of simple-minded misfit who somehow manages to end up a celebrity. In real-life the son of legendary comedian Bob Eliott, Chris presents his alter-ego as the product of a marriage between caricatured versions of actors Bette Davis and Sam Elliott. The adventures of make-believe Chris include a shipwreck, a stint on a desert island, and run-ins with the Mafia. Woven into the fantasy are fragments of the real-life Elliot's career, from his days doing comedy improv to his appearances on Late Night with David Letterman. With its relentless scatology and show-biz-insider mockery, the book isn't for everyone. It's hard to know what to make of this relentless exercise in bad taste: on the screen, Elliot certainly displays talent and imagination, but very little of either is evident here.