Toy Phone Toy Phone

Toy Phone

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Publisher Description

Weird dreams draw filmmaker, Dave Kinja and his childhood playmate, Kalekye, into strangely compulsive relationship…and to a jarring discovery of a history of strange deaths and one big dark secret shared by their families. Too late, they realize something chillingly unforgiving has sucked them into a vortex of terror from which death is the only release.

Dave Kinja is in the final stages of pre-production of his new TV series, but he still has to hire the female lead. He has auditioned several actresses but for some reason, none seems quite right for the role.
Then he has a dream: He is resting on a boat on the big lake on his five-hundred-acre estate when a woman appears on the shore. As he gawks at her, a sweet-voiced white child pops up from the water like a tiny dolphin and announces, “Your star. I brought her.”
Dave thinks it is only a dream until he hires a girl for the role. The next morning, he finds her in the bathtub, her face bashed in, and there is a message: “Your fucking star.”
A day later, at his gate, a gunman sprays his car with bullets. Dave escapes unhurt, only for his farm manager, Syuki, to accost him: “I’m sorry, David, but I can’t take any more. This has to end now,” Syuki says, pumps two bullets into him, then turns the gun on himself.
Several weeks after Dave leaves hospital, the woman in his dream appears to him for real, and to his surprise, he finds he knows her. She is Kalekye, Syuki’s granddaughter. Twenty-two years back when they were little children, Syuki had found her playing a certain game with Dave on his back lawn and deported her in rage to Tanzania. Even stranger, it turns out that Kalekye too has been having dreams about Dave…. and about a little white child with a toy phone.
As they reach for each other hungrily, the dreams cease… until their twin daughters' second birthday, when the white little child slips back with a nice little choice for them: kill your children, or kill yourselves. Do neither, and the children will die anyway.
Half-mad with terror, Kalekye jumps into her Mercedes and drives it into the lake.
So, who is this little phantom?
Determined to find the answers before he too has to kill himself, Dave starts on a journey that takes him back into the past when Ruth, his grandmother, worked as a maid in the house of a British colonial settler, the same house she is later to become millionaire mistress, a past in which he uncovers horrifying truths about his family…and a dark secret about a toy phone.

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