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This book was a written about a caste. As Hindus there was a sharp cleavage of character the Brahmins, fanatical, high up in the caste scale and all the rest of the breed inferior vicious, blood-thirsty a horde of pirates. You name her the Gulab Begum General that is a Moslem title and from the turbans and caste-marks on the men they seem to be Hindus I suppose Gulab Begum is her stage name is it? A tremor of apprehension had vibrated from Bagree to Bagree the jamadars felt it. A spark one lunge with a knife and they would be at each other's throats the men of Alwar against the men of Karowlee even caste against caste for the Bagrees from Alwar were of the Solunkee caste, while the Karowlee men were of Kolee caste.