Routledge Studies in Mediterranean Politics
Richard Youngs e altri
Serie • 14 libri • Scienze politiche
China in the Mediterranean
Emilie Tran & Yahia Zoubir
Transversal Democracy Projection in the Mediterranean
Anna Khakee & Sarah Wolff
Dynamics of Youth Agency in Times of Crisis
Nadine Sika
In-Between Border Spaces in the Levant
Daniel Meier
Allying beyond Social Divides
Yasmine Berriane & Marie Duboc
Network Mobilization Dynamics in Uncertain Times in the Middle East and North Africa
Frederic Volpi & Janine A. Clark
The EU in the Mediterranean after the Arab Uprisings
Roberto Roccu & Benedetta Voltolini
Islamism and Social Movements in North Africa, the Sahel and Beyond
Aurélie Campana & Cédric Jourde
Arab Spring and Peripheries
Daniela Huber & Lorenzo Kamel
The Struggle for Influence in the Middle East
Federica Bicchi, Benoit Challand & Steven Heydermann