2011 Mideast Uprisings: Country Background Information on Libya and Gaddafi, Egypt, and Bahrain - Authoritative Coverage of Government, Military, Human Rights, History 2011 Mideast Uprisings: Country Background Information on Libya and Gaddafi, Egypt, and Bahrain - Authoritative Coverage of Government, Military, Human Rights, History

2011 Mideast Uprisings: Country Background Information on Libya and Gaddafi, Egypt, and Bahrain - Authoritative Coverage of Government, Military, Human Rights, History

Country Background Information on Libya and Gaddafi, Egypt, and Bahrain - Authoritative Coverage of Government, Military, Human Rights, History

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    • 15,99 €

Descrizione dell’editore

Three countries seriously impacted by the uprisings of 2011 - Libya, Egypt, and Bahrain - are profiled in this incredible collection of country studies and U.S. government background data, with over 1500 pages of up-to-date information featuring professional analysis and authoritative information about each nation. Compiled from our three nation-specific "Complete Guide" titles, this collection includes Library of Congress Federal Research Division Country Studies, providing an exceptional review of each nation and its history. Books in the Country Studies series describe and analyze "political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions, and examin[e] the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors. The authors seek to provide a basic understanding of the observed society, striving for a dynamic rather than a static portrayal. Particular attention is devoted to the people who make up the society, their origins, dominant beliefs and values."

LIBYA - Coverage of Muammar al Qadhafi, military, human and religious rights, terrorism (including the Lockerbie and LaBelle disco bombings), WMD and agreements with the United States, oil and energy resources, exports and business information, statistics on all facets of Libyan life including agriculture, Qadhafi's reign and his "Green Book" ideology, State Department travel related information, and much more. The U.S. response to the February 2011 protests and crackdown is included; extensive histories put the current situation into perspective. Country study material includes: Tripolitania and Phoenicians, Cyrenaica and Greeks, Fezzan and Garamentes, Libya and Romans, Islam and Arabs, Fatimids, Hilalians, Hafsids, Medieval Cyrenaica and Fezzan, Ottoman Regency, Pashas and Deys, Karamanlis, Ottoman Revival, Sanusi Order, Italian Colonialism, Italian Rule and Arab Resistance, Second Italo-Sanusi War, Fourth Shore, World War II and Independence, Desert War, Allied Administration, United Nations and Libya, Independent Libya, September 1969 Coup, Qadhafi and Revolutionary Command Council, and much more.

EGYPT - The rule of Hosni Mubarak, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, NDP, opposition parties, human rights, economics, military and national security, U.S. aid, energy, agriculture, history, travel information, and much more. The U.S. response to the January 2011 protests and turmoil is included; extensive histories put the current situation into perspective. There is material from many agencies of the American government, including the experts at the Federal Research Division. Egypt country background data provides data on key parameters, people and history, industry, natural resources, U.S.- Egyptian relations, travel and business information, and more. The Library of Congress Federal Research Division Country Study is an exceptional review of Egypt and its history, backed up by an extensive bibliography.

BAHRAIN - Coverage of the government, military, human and religious rights, terrorism, oil and energy resources, exports and business information, statistics on all facets of Bahraini life, State Department travel related information, the Bahrain Free Trade Agreement, and much more. Bahrain country background data provides data on key parameters, people and history, industry, natural resources, U.S.- Bahrain relations, travel and business information, and more. The Library of Congress Federal Research Division Country Study is an exceptional review of Bahrain and its history. Historical Setting, Trade in the Gulf, The Gulf in the Ancient World, Early Development of Islam, Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, The Spread of Islam, The Gulf in the Middle Ages, The Age of Colonialism, Wahhabi Islam, more.

This is a privately authored news service and educational publication of Progressive Management.

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26 febbraio
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