2012 People's Republic of China: Military and Security Developments Annual Report to Congress, People's Liberation Army (PLA), Space, Cyber Capabilities, Earlier Reports to 2006 2012 People's Republic of China: Military and Security Developments Annual Report to Congress, People's Liberation Army (PLA), Space, Cyber Capabilities, Earlier Reports to 2006

2012 People's Republic of China: Military and Security Developments Annual Report to Congress, People's Liberation Army (PLA), Space, Cyber Capabilities, Earlier Reports to 2006

    • 8,49 €
    • 8,49 €

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This important DOD report from May 2012 provides extensive details on the status of the Chinese military. In addition to the new 2012 report, this unique ebook compilation includes six other DOD annual reports for the years 2006 through 2011. These reports on military and security developments involving the People’s Republic of China address the current and probable future course of military-technological development of the People’s Liberation Army and the tenets and probable development of Chinese security strategy and military strategy, and of the military organizations and operational concepts. The executive summary of the 2012 report states:

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is pursuing a long-term, comprehensive military modernization program designed to improve the capacity of China's armed forces to fight and win "local wars under conditions of informatization," or high-intensity, information-centric regional military operations of short duration. China's leaders view modernization of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) as an essential component of their strategy to take advantage of what they perceive to be a "window of strategic opportunity" to advance China's national development during the first two decades of the 21st century. During this period, China's leaders are placing a priority on fostering a positive external environment to provide the PRC with the strategic space to focus on economic growth and development. At the same time, Chinese leaders seek to maintain peace and stability along their country's periphery, expand their diplomatic influence to facilitate access to markets, capital, and resources, and avoid direct confrontation with the United States and other countries. This strategy has led to an expansion of China's presence in regions all over the world, creating new and expanding economic and diplomatic interests.

Contents include: China's Challenges and Opportunities * Developments in China's National Security Leadership * Developments in the Security Situation in the Taiwan Strait * Developments in the Size, Location, and Capabilities of PRC Military Forces * Developments in China's Space and Cyber Capabilities * Developments in China's Defense Technology Acquisition * Challenges to Taiwan's Deterrent Forces * China's Foreign Military Engagement * Understanding China's Strategy Overview * Understanding Chinese Strategy * China's Strategic Priorities * The New Historic Missions * Debates on Future Strategy * China's Military Strategy * Secrecy and Deception * Force Modernization Goals and Trends Overview * Anti-Access/Area Denial Capability Developments * Ballistic Missile Defense * Extended Operational Reach * Strategic Capabilities * Power Projection Beyond Taiwan * Resources for Force Modernization Overview * Military Expenditure Trends * China's Advancing Defense Industries * Trends and Projections * Force Modernization and Security in the Taiwan Strait Overview * Beijing's Taiwan Strategy * Beijing's Courses of Action Against Taiwan * U.S.-China Military-To-Military Contacts Overview * Military Relations * U.S. Strategy for Military Engagement * Opportunities and Challenges in U.S.-China Military-To-Military Relations * Special Topic: China's Evolving Maritime Strategy * The Rise of China's Maritime Security Interests * The Evolution in "Maritime Consciousness" * Evolving Naval Strategy * New Security Interests Driving Requirements * New "Firsts" for the PLA Navy * China's Maritime Interests * Sea Lane Protection * Great Power Status * Sea-Based Nuclear Forces * Overcoming Key Challenges * Assessing the Future Special Topic: China's Military Engagement * Traditional Military Diplomacy * Combined Exercises * Peacekeeping Operations * Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief * Arms Sales.

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