Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
no. 5 - Health Learning Books

Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Health Learning Books, no. 5

Descrizione dell’editore

Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Table of Contents:
Section # 1- Intermittent fasting: An introduction.
Chapter # 1: How it works?
Chapter # 2: Real or another way to rob you of your money?

Section # 2: Intermittent fasting Specifics!
Chapter # 1: Pros of Intermittent Fasting
Chapter # 2: Cons of Intermittent Fasting
Chapter # 3: Employ it in your daily life. How???
Chapter # 4: How to maximize its benefits?
Section # 3: A boon for health!
Chapter # 1: Loose some extra pounds!
Chapter # 2: Maximize your brain potential.
Chapter # 3: Cure brain ailments.
Chapter # 4: A cure for type II diabetes.
Chapter # 5: Strengthen your heart.
Chapter # 6: Minimize oxidative stress.
Section # 4: Conclusion
Intermittent Fasting – More Than A Diet Plan

There are different dieting plans present in the world today which can be obtained through different resources. Each of these dieting plans claims to be better than the other one. But the plan mentioned in this book makes no such claims. It is about a popular plan or you should say a complete way of eating and living known as “Intermittent Fasting”. Now you might be wondering what is intermittent fasting, what are its benefits and how to apply it in your own life? But wait a minute. Just take a deep breath. If the answer to all these queries would have been this easy, I would have just sufficed on writing an article and not a whole book on the topic. You will just have to read this book to get your queries answered.
Before formally starting the topic, a brief overview of the book will give the readers a better idea about the book. As the title suggests, the focus of this book is to answer only one question and it is that what are the health benefits of intermittent fasting? However, other aspects are also discussed in the book. This book can be divided into three parts. The first part will give a brief introduction about intermittent fasting like what it is, the mechanism behind it and how to apply it in your everyday life? The second portion analyzes the pros and cons of intermittent fasting and ways to maximize its benefits. The third part will discuss the health benefits (the main focus of this book) of intermittent fasting.

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27 gennaio
JD-Biz Corp Publishing
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