Golf Swing pro
For men or women
Descrizione dell’editore
Whether your a man or a woman , if you play golf then this book is going to help a lot in how you play golf. The book covers 25 chapters off improving your golf swing.
Chapters include :
3 Golf Swing Drills to Improve Your Putting
Achieving the Golf Swing of Pro Golfers
An Empty Box Can Help Your Golf Swing
Basic Golf Swing Mechanics
Golf Swing Fundamentals
Golf Swing Aids to Improve Your Game
Golf Swing Tips
Golf Swings Are Just One Aspect to Win the Game
How To Fine Tune Your Golf Swing
How To Improve your Golf Swing
How to Improve Your Golf Swing 2
How to Improve Your Rusty Golf Swing
How to Make the Proper Golf Swing like the Pros
Improving Your Golf Swing to Amp Up Your Game
Making the Perfect Golf Swing
Practice Makes Perfect after Working on Some Golf Swing Drills
Supplemental Training for Your Golf Swing Muscles
Take the Slice Away from Your Golf Swing
The Simple Golf Swing
The Anatomy of a Golf Swing
The Making of a Bad Golf Swing
The Perfect Golf Swing
Three Golf Swing Tips
Tiger Woods Golf Swing
What is a Golf Swing Launch Monitor