I Can't Breathe I Can't Breathe

I Can't Breathe

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Publisher Description

Marrick has the most beautiful coal black eyes! I do not think that I have ever seen eyes this dark and so black before and his dark wavy hair just flows
around his face! But I still cannot get over how pale white he looks and I cannot take my eyes off of him!

We walk up on to my porch we are now standing in front of my door. He looks down at me and he gently places his index finger under my chin to have me look
up at him I do not fight it. There is such a cooling feeling coming from him. He bends his head down so that he can look into my eyes and now he is
lowering himself closer to my shoulder.

"Renee, I will make you mine!"

He whispers in my ear with a very soft low voice.

I feel his lips dragging on my skin his cool feeling lips! I can feel my blood coursing through my body.

I can feel his arms tightening around me so that he can hold me tighter against him all of a sudden I feel a sharp stabbing pain in my neck and I can feel
him gently sucking on my skin. I do not know what to do but the pain does distract me of what I was feeling a moment ago!

He releases my skin from his mouth and he looks at me once more.

"Renee, I am sorry for what I just did I got caught up in the moment. I wanted to taste you!"

He says to me as he looks into my eyes.

I see his eyes they look different somehow they look darker. Then I notice that there is actually blood on his bottom lip his soft pale lips!

Is that blood from me?

Fiction & Literature
9 November