Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics
Outstanding Contributions to Logic

Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics

    • 164,99 €
    • 164,99 €

Descrizione dell’editore

This book illustrates the program of Logical-Informational Dynamics. Rational agents exploit the information available in the world in delicate ways, adopt a wide range of epistemic attitudes, and in that process, constantly change the world itself. Logical-Informational Dynamics is about logical systems putting such activities at center stage, focusing on the events by which we acquire information and change attitudes. Its contributions show many current logics of information and change at work, often in multi-agent settings where social behavior is essential, and often stressing Johan van Benthem's pioneering work in establishing this program. However, this is not a Festschrift, but a rich tapestry for a field with a wealth of strands of its own. The reader will see the state of the art in such topics as information update, belief change, preference, learning over time, and strategic interaction in games. Moreover, no tight boundary has been enforced, and some chapters add more general mathematical or philosophical foundations or links to current trends in computer science.

The theme of this book lies at the interface of many disciplines. Logic is the main methodology, but the various chapters cross easily between mathematics, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, cognitive and social sciences, while also ranging from pure theory to empirical work. Accordingly, the authors of this book represent a wide variety of original thinkers from different research communities. And their interconnected themes challenge at the same time how we think of logic, philosophy and computation.

Thus, very much in line with van Benthem's work over many decades, the volume shows how all these disciplines form a natural unity in the perspective of dynamic logicians (broadly conceived) exploring their new themes today. And at the same time, in doing so, it offers a broader conception of logic with a certain grandeur, moving its horizons beyond the traditional study of consequence relations.

27 agosto
Springer International Publishing

Altri libri di Alexandru Baltag & Sonja Smets

Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications
Logic, Rationality, and Interaction Logic, Rationality, and Interaction

Altri libri di questa serie

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Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning
J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics
Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics
Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations
Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society