Start, Study and Pass The CPA Exam FAST - Proven 8 Step CPA Exam Study Playbook Start, Study and Pass The CPA Exam FAST - Proven 8 Step CPA Exam Study Playbook

Start, Study and Pass The CPA Exam FAST - Proven 8 Step CPA Exam Study Playbook

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Passing the CPA Exam is all about having a personalized Study Playbook.

A Study Playbook is going to be the backbone to your daily study routine that will help keep you focused, motivated and successful.

Before I passed the CPA exam, I had no plan, no playbook and no clue where to begin...

The end result was that I failed all four sections of the CPA exam in a row!

I DON'T want this to happen to you, which is why I created "Start, Study & Pass The CPA Exam FAST: Proven 8 Step CPA Exam Study Playbook!"

So that YOU can learn from the mistakes I made and help you avoid wasting thousands of dollars and hundreds of study hours...

What Having A Study Playbook Did For Me

- Helped me to maximize how I studied based on how I learn best
- Kept me motivated even after I failed a section
- Saved me 100+ study hours by eliminating busy work
- Helped me recall complex topics on exam day
- Helped me juggle work + family/friends + studying
- And of course helped me become a licensed CPA!

If you are interested in bleeding edge study tactics, a proven playbook that you can follow step by step on your journey to passing the CPA exam and hate the idea of wasting time or money...

Then download the ebook to find out how – as well as the ebook edition, you’ll also get:

- access to my free CPA exam study personality quiz for free
- a PDF edition of the book (in case your ereader doesn’t handle screenshots well)
- a chance to enroll in my free CPA exam coaching video series
- a chance to download one hundred free CPA exam multiple choice questions

Here's to your success!

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30 maggio
CPA Exam Guide Self-Publishing

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