Stone Carver. the Life and Times of Franco Vallario’ Stone Carver. the Life and Times of Franco Vallario’

Stone Carver. the Life and Times of Franco Vallario‪’‬

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Descrizione dell’editore

The manuscript is essentially about Franco Vallario’s life as a carver sculptor and stonemason. Franco originates from multi generations of carvers from the small Italian village of St Andrea di Conza high up in the mountainous regions of central Italy. From very humble and spartan conditions Franco learns his trade from observation, trial and error as he discovers in his early life what he really wants to do. That is to carve a permanent reminder of his creative genius out of stone wherever possible. But first he must experience other avenues that appeal to him and joins the navy and the priesthood. These occupations do not satisfy his creative desires and so he opts to emigrate to Australia. In doing so he is following in the footsteps of many other Italian men form poor backgrounds who have a once in a lifetime opportunity to escape a life of poverty by taking advantage of the Australian government’s immigration scheme in the 1950’s. After working for successful entrepreneurs he is placed in charge of a team of stone masons to restore the gargoyles and bosses on Sydney University’s historic gothic building. As he is not being paid for his talents he secures and completes his most challenging and exciting project independently in craving the capitals for the Mitchell Library. This is something none of the previous Vallario carvers have ever achieved! He is inundated with request from the Australian media to be interviewed and as he is now successful decides to open his own business which he pursues with vigour. In doing so he abandons working in stone and starts creating in marble. In that endeavour he seeks the best quality marble overseas particularly from the quarries where Michelangelo sourced his material , at Carrara. He travels overseas extensively for his clients, many of whom are well known or famous identities in Australia. As he comes to the end of his career he sees his adopted country as having provided him with every opportunity to succeed as a carver and sculptor.

Biografie e memorie
18 ottobre
Xlibris AU
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