BUDDHISM FOR BEGINNERS : A Comprehensive Guide To Buddhist Teaching, Mindfulness And Meditation
- ¥509
- ¥509
Are you ready to free your mind and obliterate any stress you have at the moment?
You've come to the right place
Buddhism continues to grow in popularity in the Western world as more and more people become aware of Buddhist beliefs and Buddha's teachings about the purpose of life and how an individual can be the best version of himself on a daily basis. Approximately 350 million people around the world are already practicing Buddhism, and that number is growing every day. You probably already know that the Buddhist religion explains how to take a different view of personal desires and materialism, poverty and social inequalities, and how to overcome worldly attitudes and unimportant concerns.
Buddhism is often seen by new practitioners as a religion. For many Buddhists, this is more of a way of life than a faith. Buddhists believe that meditation and other activities can lead to changes in themselves. Such improvements are aimed at creating knowledge, understanding, and compassion within, in order to attain spiritual enlightenment.
In This Book I Will Talk You About:
What Buddhism Is An Introduction To Buddhist Teachings And Philosophies The History Of Buddhism And The Life Of The Buddha Meditation In Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism In America Key Buddhism Concepts Such As Karma, Suffering, Samsara, And Nirvana The Four Noble Truths Of BuddhismThe Eightfold Path, The Five Precepts, And The Middle WayThe Three Universal Truths
And Many More