How to Deal with a Controlling Person: Getting out of an Abusive Relationship (Unabridged)
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- ¥560
Dictators aren't just for countries. You can find them in relationships as well. A dictator is someone who decides how everything will be done and fully expects others in his world to abide by his laws. This article outlines three signs that you are probably in a dictatorial relationship. This is the most obvious sign, but a dictator makes the rules. No one else is allowed to contribute to the rule-making. If your boyfriend decides all of the rules and expects you to live by them, you are probably dating a dictator.
One person in a relationship cannot make all of the rules. That is not the way that a healthy relationship functions. When one person makes all of the rules that the other must live by, that is controlling. If you don't do what your boyfriend tells to you may feel punished. He might ignore you or leave the house altogether and do something enjoyable without you. That is a form of punishing you. He will make sure that you realize you've done something wrong. When someone is as passionate about his rules as he is, you will begin to believe that he's right.
It's important that you don't slip into his way of thinking. If he wants to pout and ignore you when you don't do what he wants, let him. Do not let him punish you. Just go about your day as if he's not upset. Another adult who makes you feel bad and tries to punish you in some way is manipulating you. These are all signs of what a woman who has gone through, but there is an answer and that's in How to Deal with a Controlling Person, by Terence A. Williams. Grab your copy today.