Self-Esteem for Men: 5 Simple But Overlooked Methods To Start Your Inner Journey and Which Will Stop You From Being A Doormat Self-Esteem for Men: 5 Simple But Overlooked Methods To Start Your Inner Journey and Which Will Stop You From Being A Doormat

Self-Esteem for Men: 5 Simple But Overlooked Methods To Start Your Inner Journey and Which Will Stop You From Being A Doormat

    • ¥662

    • ¥662


Do you have a negative self-image?

Is hard for you to say: ´No´?

Do you compare yourself with others all the time?

Then keep reading...

Do you compare yourself a lot with others who are in a better position than you? Only to talk yourself down? Maybe you say to yourself that the others are better and smarter. Or that you don´t deserve what they have reached for whatever reason.

Do you have this inner-critic talking to you all the time? It´s needless to say that this inner-critic will not improve your self-image. This inner voice will not increase your self-worth.

Low Self-Esteem is not something you´re born with, but something you have developed, often during your childhood. This means there is also a way to get your Self-Esteem back. Back to your healthy Self-Esteem you had when you were a baby.

You have come to the right place.

Fair warning.

Having a healthy Self-Esteem as a man can have some side effects.

Just to name a few:
You will get more respect from friends and colleaguesWomen will find you more attractiveYou will stop doubting and stop comparing yourself with others.Your inner-critic will stop talking to you.
If you are wondering if reading a book can help you improve your Self-Esteem. Stop worrying. This WORKBOOK is jam-packed with exercises. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. The exercises will help you get you from A to B. They are designed to give you lasting results on your improved self-image.

It´s time to build your Self-Esteem as a man, let´s start today.

Seth Thompson
S Dalziel