Uncertainty Affirmations: Positive Daily Affirmations to Assist You in Feeling Sure and Certain of Things Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning (Unabridged)
Wise Spending Affirmations: Positive Daily Affirmations for Big Spenders to Buy Only the Needs, Not the Wants Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning (Unabridged)
Love Your Body Affirmations: Positive Daily Affirmations to Help you Love and Appreciate Your Body Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning (Unabridged)
Believe in Yourself Affirmations: Positive Daily Affirmations to Develop the Courage in Trusting Your Own Capabilities Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning (Unabridged)
Stop Worrying Affirmations: Positive Daily Affirmations for Worriers to See the Good in Things in General Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning (Unabridged)
Insecurity Affirmations: Positive Daily Affirmations to Help You Stop Feeling Insecure Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning