Decision Making Decision Making

Decision Making

A Study of the Hidden Forces That Shape Their Results

    • ¥250
    • ¥250


Many people mistake the idea "decisions" are simply things, which we make on occasion, as in deciding to buy a car, house or other large item.  However what these same folks fail to understand is that in fact we are the sum of all of our decisions and they are far from stand-alone entities, which drift through our life.  In fact, our life is nothing but a constant stream of decisions coming at us in a nonstop fashion, which we have become so use to we don’t even realize it.

Think about it this way, from the time you “decide” to get up in the morning to the time you again “decide” to lay your head on the pillow.  You are constantly making decisions, ranging from what to have for breakfast to, buying that new car or home.  Even in the course of all this, if we attempt to not "decide" we suddenly find that by doing so we have in fact "decided".    As no matter how hard or far we run, it is impossible to escape the stream of decisions, which we live in.  Too, it is not only our decisions which we exist in an envelope of, however also that of others.  Yes, as other people around us make decisions, and in turn they end up affecting us too whether we accept them or not.  With this, Decision Making: A Study of the Hidden Forces That Shape Their Results is a look  at the things, which actually make up decisions.

While many books have been written on the subject of "decision making", their focus has been on the personal or psychological aspects of decision-making such as procrastination or creative thinking.  Yet did you know that "decisions" actually occupy a position in both time and space?  Think about it this way, a decision is much like tossing a pebble into a still pond.  Where upon impact with the surface (representing space) a wave is formed which spreads out over the surface (representing time) affecting other objects, which it comes into, contact with.  Again, Decision Making: A Study of the Hidden Forces That Shape Their Results will explore this idea as well as many more including the concept of the "decision event horizon" where the complexity of the decisions moves from "possibility" to that of "probability" making the outcome real.

Think of it this way, you're driving down the road in your car, which is more likely to happen one your car is struck my a meteorite or two you have a fender bender with the car next to you?  Of course, most of the populous would say the second, being bumping into the car next to us, yet what drives the difference?  Here in Decision Making: A Study of the Hidden Forces That Shape Their Results we explore where the axis of possibilities cross with that of probability and what could possibly drive this peculiarity.  

In addition, what about the idea of "synchronicity" where multiple decisions come together in what appears to be a serendipitous manor to form an unexpected outcome. How is this possible, as decisions are stand-alone events right?  Not quite, because as mentioned already we live in a constant stream of decisions of not just our own, however everyone else in this world too.  If the dynamics of Decision Making fascinate you as they do me, Decision Making: A Study of the Hidden Forces That Shape Their Results is a must read book.  

While written in detailed terms, the author uses common analogies and metaphors to explain complicated ideas in simple and understandable terms.  As the jungle of "decisions" is a fascinating one, yet also one which very few roadmaps have been written for and this is where if the dynamics of Decision Making fascinate you as they do me, Decision Making: A Study of the Hidden Forces That Shape Their Results comes to the rescue as being a thought provoking work looking at the concept of "decisions" like no other work has before it!

  • ジャンル
    Campbell and Company Publishing LLC
    Campbell and Company Publishing


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