Everything You Need to Know About the Coronavirus in 2020 Everything You Need to Know About the Coronavirus in 2020

Everything You Need to Know About the Coronavirus in 2020

    • ¥350
    • ¥350


Are you worried about your health amid the new coronavirus that has emerged in China
since December 2019?
Watching the news like a hawk to see what the latest developments
are with COVID-19?Not sure how to protect yourself from the novel coronavirus and what
you can do to stop the spread in your community? Starting in December 2019, we saw the
outbreak of a coronavirus that was larger than what we could expect and infected more
people than the SARS outbreak of 2003. Immediately, people started to panic and think
back to the time when people were fearful of that virus and how it wreaked havoc on the
world as a global pandemic could emerge.
As this recent epidemic has been termed as a 'pandemic,' numerous health professionals
have been investigating the cause and treatment of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. But
what is more powerful in this process is becoming informed about the virus and not giving
in to the temptation to be overly fearful or anxious. Information is powerful and provides
us with the reassurance of what we can do about a situation. Like any other virus that has
infected the world, the coronavirus is one that can be treated and dealt with, but it takes
the responsibility of the citizens of this world to become informed and know what to do
to treat and prevent the spread of this virus. The World Health Organization (WHO)
identified the COVID-19 coronavirus as a global health emergency. Because of this
appellation, many people would do well to learn as much as they can about the virus and
what to do when and if they get it. That's where this book comes in.
This book will give you everything you need to know about the novel coronavirus,
including stats and figures, symptoms and treatment, information about the spread and
cases throughout the world, as well as tips that will help protect you and your family from
catching the virus.
In a world that is well-connected through the Internet and other
information pathways, there is a wealth of resources available to inform you about this
virus. This book provides encapsulation and synthesis of those online resources that
will help you understand the virus and what you can do about it to help stop the spread of
this highly contagious disease. The most important thing we can do is not panic about
what is happening with this illness.
Instead of worrying and becoming anxious, we should
trust in the truth that we are not in control and that we need to relinquish our feelings of
control over the situation and allow it to be, but at the same time, we also have to be
defensive and do what we can to fight the fears that are enveloping this world. What we
need to protect ourselves from is not only the virus but also the fear and hysteria that
inevitably accompany this illness throughout the world.
If you are concerned about the COVID-19 coronavirus, then read on to find out what you
can do about the illness and how you can protect your family from it, as well. You will not
be disappointed with our in-depth coverage of the illness and well-researched points that
will inform you and provide you with the reassurance that all will be well. Stop worrying
and start acting. It is crucial to be proactive during these times, and then you will
experience freedom from your fears and confidence to face the challenges.

Join us on this journey to discover what to do about COVID-19 and how you can battle
the anxiety and fear by empowering yourself with the information that will protect you
from the spread of this virus. Be strong and courageous for you will be guided to safer
pastures in the future.

Caprioru Cristian
Draft2Digital, LLC