Objective-C Programming For Beginners: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Programming In Objective-C And Improving Your Productivity Objective-C Programming For Beginners: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Programming In Objective-C And Improving Your Productivity

Objective-C Programming For Beginners: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Programming In Objective-C And Improving Your Productivity

    • ¥1,600
    • ¥1,600


Objective-C Programming For Beginners: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Programming In Objective-C And Improving Your Productivity

A succinct, well-written guide to the fundamentals of Objective-C and object-oriented programming for Apple's iOS and OS X platforms is called Objective-C Programming For Beginners.

The book does not assume any prior knowledge of C, the language on which Objective-C is based, or object-oriented programming languages. 

This makes it possible for both novice and seasoned programmers to rapidly and efficiently grasp the foundations of Objective-C with the help of this book. 

The principles of object-oriented programming can also be understood by readers without requiring them to become fluent in the underlying C programming language.

Because of its distinct learning methodology and the numerous short program examples and exercises at the conclusion of each chapter, Programming in Objective-C is a perfect resource for use in the classroom or independent study.

This book removes any superfluous sophisticated technical language and helps you develop a solid foundation in this complex field.

It covers the most recent version of Xcode, debugging, code completion, and more.

- Assumes no prior programming experience and maintains an easygoing and engaging tone.

- Clearly explains difficult Objective-C subjects in a simple-yet-entertaining manner that has distinguished the For Dummies brand for 20 years.

- Includes all content that complies fully with the most recent Objective-C and Apple programming standards.

If your goal is to dabble in iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X coding for the first time, Objective-C Programming For Beginners is the perfect introduction book!

Voltaire Lumiere
Draft2Digital, LLC
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