Parasite; The True Story of the Zombie Apocalypse
"Parasite - The True Story of the Zombie Apocalypse" has spent many days on Amazon's best sellers chart for free horror books.
You need to read this zombie apocalypse novel because it explains the science involved in the dead coming to life.
The zombies are rising in the sleepy town of Slippery Rock and it is up to Henry Cooper to figure out why. But first, he needs to save his wife, Melissa. With the help of his neighbor Dean and some superhero clad comic book fanboys, he's off to the rescue. Join them as they race across Northwestern Pennsylvania on a quest which involves everything from undead to fire trucks. Along the way, you will discover the hard science behind how the dead truly rose from the grave.
As one reviewer said of Parasite; "Such good storytelling. Zombielicious. I am remembering biology class as they explain why people are turning into zombies and clues to stop the infection. Adventure, politicians, lawyers, and scientist * oh my *... Very good book."
The second book in The True Story of the Zombie Apocalypse series is called "Symbiote", the third is "Creator and the fourth one is "Predator." They are also available for purchase. Currently, the author is working hard on another series. Check for updates on his Facebook page.