Pushing the Envelope
All The Way To The Top
- ¥2,000
- ¥2,000
Pushing the Envelope is packed with triumphs, wit, and wisdom gleaned from Harvey Mackay and the super-successful people he’s learned from over the years as a marketing whiz and bestselling author.
The man who taught us how to “swim with the sharks” is back with a boatload of tips and techniques for becoming more savvy and successful in everything you do. To Harvey Mackay, “pushing the envelope” means pushing the boundaries and pushing yourself to maximize your advantage—to be better, faster, and smarter and to get the results you want, in business and in life. In his new book, Pushing the Envelope: All the Way to the Top, you’ll learn
• How to get the order
• The art of negotiating the best deals for you
• The essential qualities all leaders possess
• Fail-safe ways to move up the corporate ladder
• Business titans’ secrets to achievement
• The keys to balancing work and family
• How to use laughter as a productivity tool
• And much more!
Humor. Honesty. Fairness. The ability to get others to see your vision. Judgment. Guts. Respect for the bottom line—and all the lines that lead to it. These are the values that have made Harvey Mackay the business and civic leader he is today. A born communicator, Mackay distills the lessons of his forty years in business into pithy, punchy chapters that cut to the heart of everyday problems and situations.
As usual, Mackay has his trademark, no-nonsense lists, including:
• 5 ways to ruin a good sales force
• 11 questions to ask a job prospect
• 10 New Year’s resolutions
• 7 things not to do with a friend
• 12 ways to ruin your next speech
Both practical and entertaining, charged throughout with Harvey Mackay’s inimitable style, humor, and entrepreneurial wisdom, Pushing the Envelope puts the fun, the creativity, and the challenge back in business. Whether you’re at the top of your company or determined to get there, this is one business book that will earn your stamp of approval.
Praise for Pushing the Envelope
“What would our nation be without Minnesotans? Besides Post-it notes, the state has given us the sublimely American town, Lake Wobegon; the spectacularly American wrestler-turned-Governor, Jesse Ventura; and the quintessentially American businessman, Harvey Mackay.”—The New York Times
“A refreshing delivery of advice.”—USA Today
Mackay (Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive) is back, and his motivational material will be familiar and comforting to his fans. Mackay has never claimed to be an intellectual. Using the same approach he has in the past, the author, who is chairman and chief executive of a $75-million envelope company when he's not on the lecture circuit, tells true short stories (usually in approximately four pages with big type and margins), each of which makes a point about the business of life and is capped with a lesson dubbed "Mackay's Moral" ("Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it, until you get there"; "Even the Lone Ranger didn't go it alone"). To his credit, Mackay admits when he is revisiting familiar territory or expanding tales he has told before. This time, he concentrates more heavily on stories intended to inspire--there are countless vignettes of people who worked hard to overcome long odds--and provides more of his thoughts on what it takes to be a leader. As always, his homilies are entertaining, even if they rarely provide any groundbreaking bits of wisdom. Author tour.