Daido Moriyama "Record No.25"
5.0 • 4件の評価
- ¥2,800
- ¥2,800
那覇の路地裏に当たる光。とあるビーチ全体を包む光、基地脇の大通りを照らす光。城址の丘にそそぐ光。と、ぼくが目のあたりにする沖縄の光は、どこか特有の質を伴って知覚されてくるのだ。(「記録 第25 号」より 著者コメント)沖縄県立博物館・美術館にて開催された森山大道「終わりなき旅 北/ 南」展(2014) の新作撮影のため、度々訪れた沖縄で撮影された作品にて構成。
森山大道(もりやま だいどう)/写真家。1938年10月10日。ハイコントラストで粒子の粗い“アレ・ブレ・ボケ”と称される独自のスタイルを確立し、世界的にも高い評価を得る。近年の写真集に『NAGISA』『LABYRINTH』(Akio Nagasawa Publishing)など。
I visited Okinawa for the first time in 1974.
It was a short one-week stay together with some of my senior photographers, and for some reason I kept sensing that very same dazzling light there right from the time of my arrival up to departure. As if engraved in my memory, the sensation of that somewhat "physiological" light keeps coming back to me every time I return to Okinawa still today. In other words, no matter what other factors may come into play, what I associate with Okinawa is first and foremost a very personal condition of being irradiated and embraced by "light".
The light in the back-alleys of Naha; the light that completely environs a certain beach; the light that illuminates the avenues around the military base; and the light that showers the gusuku (castle) hills. To me, the light of Okinawa always presents itself with a particular kind of quality.
It is perhaps a matter of reasonably abstracted sensuality.
Mesrnerized by the light, and by the wind...
Daidō Moriyama (Moriyama Daidō, born October 10, 1938) is a Japanese photographer noted for his images depicting the breakdown of traditional values in post-war Japan.
Born in Ikeda, Osaka, Daidō Moriyama studied photography under Takeji Iwamiya before moving to Tokyo in 1961 to work as an assistant to Eikoh Hosoe. He produced a collection of photographs, on "Nippon gekijō shashinchō" Though not exclusively, Moriyama predominantly takes high contrast, grainy, black and white photographs within the Shinjuku area of Tokyo, often shot from odd angles. Moriyama's photography has been influenced by Seiryū Inoue, Shōmei Tōmatsu, William Klein, Andy Warhol, Eikoh Hosoe, the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima, the dramatist Shūji Terayama, and Jack Kerouac's "On the Road".
Plexus Co.,Ltd.(Tokyo, Japan) proudly presents Daido Moriyama's lifework series "RECORD" in e-Book for the first time distributing in worldwide scale.
