The Only Bottle in Your Medicine Cabinet The Only Bottle in Your Medicine Cabinet

The Only Bottle in Your Medicine Cabinet


Just imagine what it would be like if you never got sick again? What would it mean to you and every member of your family to live a happy and healthy life? No more doctor visits and no more long lines at the pharmacy for expensive prescriptions. What would it mean if even your pets could take something and remain healthy? Just imagine all the money that could be saved not only in doctor bills, but veterinarian bills too? Is such a remedy possible? Can there really be a remedy out there that can keep everyone in a single household healthy? Does it sound too good to be true? Do not despair, it is true There is something that can be done to win the battle against sicknesses, diseases, and even migraine headaches! The name of this formidable new weapon is Super Oxygen™ from Oxygen Products (Pty) Ltd., and it is something that should be in the medicine cabinet of every family on this planet.
What is Super Oxygen™? It is oxygen in a capsule. When taken with water, a chemical reaction takes place that releases oxygen into the system. Super Oxygen™ is one of the most powerful and versatile therapies known in alternative medicine, as it plays a vital role in maintaining good health.
What is the secret of Super Oxygen™? The name of the product says it all: Oxygen. An award winning doctor named Otto Warburg has proven that the root of all diseases is the body is having an insufficient amount of oxygen. Oxygen is the most essential element human beings need to live, and a low amount of it in the body can cause serious damage. What happens when there is not enough oxygen in the body? A test conducted by Doctor Warburg on a cell proved that without proper oxygen levels, the cell turned cancerous after only being deprived of a proper level within forty-eight hours. This is what makes Super Oxygen™ Therapy so special. Each capsule is formulated with the following natural ingredients: Magnesium peroxide, Selenium, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, and also a few plants that are indigenous to South Africa

such as the Sutherlandia plant and the Hypoxis plant. These two African plants have been used by African healers for centuries to cure various afflictions, and are known for their ability to strengthen the immune system and to also fight infections. Because all of these ingredients are natural, there is absolutely no risk, as long as these capsules are used in a proper manner.
How is Super Oxygen™ made? The wonders of technology are behind the creation of Super Oxygen. The essences from roots, plants, and minerals are combined to form the capsules. Super Oxygen™ is unlike any other herbal medicine before; a unique mixture of old remedies and old ways of using ingredients found in nature as a cure combined together with more modern medicinal practices. Why shouldn’t medicine also benefit from the latest technology? In this day and age, one cannot turn on the television or pick up a newspaper or magazine without hearing or reading about some new wonder drug. Every time a commercial comes on the television for the latest cure, the side effects caused by the harsh ingredients and chemicals are almost as bad as or sometimes worse than the disease itself. It's expensive. It’s dangerous. And most of the time it doesn't even work.
But the worst part of all these deaths and misery is that they are unnecessary Because of these expensive and sometimes dangerous drugs on the market, people are seeking alternative treatments and alternative remedies rather than risk their health and life. No more, have families to watch with despair as their loved ones regresses to a stage where they eventually die. The Super Oxygen treatment is gentle and subtle, yet profound, comprehensive and very effective. It’s a form of medicine that could solve most of your health problems gently,
inexpensively and quickly.

Venetia kruger
Draft2Digital, LLC

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