The Sea People
Children of the sea
- ¥800
- ¥800
For as long asanyone could remember, the Shardana had sailed their gigantic ships across the endless waters oft he Lautan Tedau, the Peacefull Sea, fishing, hunting the mighty raksasa ans trading with the inhabitants off the islands doting the ocean. This ist he tale oft he Perahu and those onboard: Kura-Kura, the orphan girl, Pirang, the shaman´s daughter, sleepless Mati and Kegentingan, the chief harpooner´s only living son. No-one in living memory had seen or heard anything oft he scourge oft he seas, the Tangata´mango, the deadly Shark-Men, who had once killed and looted their way across sea and land until they had finally become the stuff of nightmare and legend. Until now….