Weight Loss 101 - The Complete Weight Loss Guide Weight Loss 101 - The Complete Weight Loss Guide

Weight Loss 101 - The Complete Weight Loss Guide

    • ¥950
    • ¥950


Have you tried all the diets already? Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Frustrated when people ask you how your diet is going? 

Let me tell you something that your personal trainer won’t tell you and you won’t learn at the gym: The only way you’ll ever lose the weight and more importantly keep the weight off is by learning how to diet and exercise for yourself. You see…

People spend BILLIONS  (yes, that billions with a “B”) every year on fad diets that work for a month. Then, ounce you stop, you put the weight back on plus ten pounds. 

Why is that you might ask… because no one can continually starve themselves. You see eventually you’ll have to eat like a normal human being. 

Even more money is spent on work out equipment advertised on late night infomercials promising you that you’ll lose 50 pounds if you just use their machine for 20 minutes a day... Come on!  We all know better than that - right? 

The truth is sometimes we‘re so willing to try anything not cause we’re stupid but because we really want to lose weight. I mean who wouldn't want to look and feel their best? Not to mention that, unfortunately, it is statistically proven that overweight people make less money than thin people. Totally unfair, I know, but it’s true.

So what do you need to do? Here’s the secret you already know…

The only way that you’ll ever keep the weight off is by educating yourself on how to do it and learning how your body works. 

So you finally want to keep the weight off? This book will teach you everything you’ll need to know to finally do so.

You’ll learn everything about:

•      Your genetics, specific body type and how to deal with them when it comes to losing weight. 

•      Why nutritional experts are wrong when they say no carbs and no fat.

•      When you should eat the food you crave like cake and when you shouldn’t. 

•      How your metabolism works with your body.

•      The truth behind fats.

•      Different types of proteins and how they affect your body.

•      Which vitamins you should take and which ones might be making you fatter.

•      Secrets behind which protein powders work and which just make you fat!

•      Which gym equipment works and which machines are a complete waste of your time.

•      What exercises to focus on and how to do them right to make the most out of your workout

•      Not spending hours at the gym but 45 minutes and getting ten times better results 

etc ....

I could go on and on talking about all the great information in this book. But, for now, all I want you to understand is that if you're truly committed to keeping the weight off, you will have to learn for yourself. Don’t count on a trainer that will cost you thousands… or a piece of equipment that’ll only end up collecting dust in your closet.

I have been personal training for over ten years and have helped thousands HELP THEMSELVES to lose weight and keep it off.  And exactly that information I have now put into this book.

The truth is that most people will pass up the opportunity and then tell themselves every new year's that this is the year that they’ll hopefully lose the weight. But I want to believe that this is not you and that you can do better.

So let me ask you're tired of being overweight? Tired of not feeling your very best? What are you waiting for? 

  • ジャンル
    Hauser Publishing
    Hauser Publishing


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