What a Narcissist Does at the End of a Relationship: Dealing With and Understanding the Aftermath of a Narcissistic Relationship
- ¥300
Breaking up in normal circumstances is hard enough. If you throw a narcissist into the equation, it makes it all the more difficult.
Not only are you left heartbroken from the separation, but the actions and behaviors of the narcissist post-break-up are nothing short of cruel, confusing, and downright crazymaking. You feel like your world has ended and you don't know how to rebuild it.
In this short book, I want to use my own experience with a narcissist to highlight and outline the following for you:
- discarding, and why the narcissist does this. This is a cruel tactic used by the narcissist to either punish you or because you have nothing left to give them
- what a narcissist does at the end of a relationship. Whilst all narcissists are different, you can count on one thing being consistent: their behavior
- how the narc feels and deals with the break-up
- the toxic narcissistic relationship pattern, so you can avoid being sucked into it once more
If you're looking to read this book, you're likely heartbroken and looking for some guidance, support, or understanding. As someone who has been through the hell of a narcissistic relationship, I can offer you all three, and I hope this book can help you make sense of this heartbreaking time.