The Whence and the Whither of Man
Publisher Description
This is a science book. Professor Samuel Finley Breese Morse, to whom the world is indebted for the application of the principles of electro-magnetism to telegraphy, gave the sum of ten thousand dollars to Union Theological Seminary to found a lectureship in memory of his father, the Kev. Jedediah Morse, D. D. , theologian, geographer, and gazetteer. The subject of the lectures was to have to do with The relations of the Bible to any of the sciences. The ten chapters of this book correspond to ten lectures, eight of which were delivered as Morse Lectures at Union Theological Seminary during the early spring of 1895. The first nine chapters appear in form and substance as they were given in the lectures, except that Chapters VI. and VII. were condensed in one lecture. Chapter X. is new, and I have not hesitated to add a few paragraphs wherever the argument seemed especially to demand further evidence or illustration. One of my friends, reading the title of these lectures, said: Of mans origin you know nothing, of his future you know less. I fear that many share his opinion, although they might not express it so emphatically.