
Attitudes Towards Nuns: A Case Study of the Nandakovada in the Light of Its Parallels (Case Study) Attitudes Towards Nuns: A Case Study of the Nandakovada in the Light of Its Parallels (Case Study)
A Review of Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun (Book Review) A Review of Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun (Book Review)
Violence and (Non-)Resistance: Buddhist Ahimsa and Its Existential Aporias (Critical Essay) Violence and (Non-)Resistance: Buddhist Ahimsa and Its Existential Aporias (Critical Essay)
Leaf Blowers and Antibiotics: A Buddhist Stance for Science and Technology (Report) Leaf Blowers and Antibiotics: A Buddhist Stance for Science and Technology (Report)
A Review of Buddhist Inclusivism: Attitudes Towards Religious Others (Book Review) A Review of Buddhist Inclusivism: Attitudes Towards Religious Others (Book Review)
Do the Compassionate Flourish?: Overcoming Anguish and the Impulse Towards Violence (Report) Do the Compassionate Flourish?: Overcoming Anguish and the Impulse Towards Violence (Report)