Controlling Your Destiny: How To Make This Day Your Day Of Beginning Controlling Your Destiny: How To Make This Day Your Day Of Beginning

Controlling Your Destiny: How To Make This Day Your Day Of Beginning

    • 8,99 €

    • 8,99 €

Publisher Description

It's been said that old habits die hard, implying that it's next to impossible to change long standing thought patterns or behaviors. Yet you have changed many. Have you ever had a part of you that just insists you can't do something because of: A) your genetics, or B) your past behaviors, or C) because of a fear or strong emotion? Yes, it's true that there are things that we are genetically predisposed to, but that's not the whole story. Your thinking and attitude patterns can alter and direct the course of your destiny.

There are parts of your biology you can't change. But there are many elements of your mind, body and actions you are in control of. The concept that the mind controls the body is really not up for dispute any longer, it's highly researched and documented. You have heard of people who have taken a placebo (those little sugar pills that really do nothing) and it cures a major medical problem. The person's mind thinks the placebo is actually medicine, and the body cures itself of the malady. In this program, Neuro-Psychologist Dr. Larry Iverson will show you strategies to take back control of your mind and actions so you can break through barriers that have blocked your success.

Learn strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs so you blow the doors off procrastination.
Know how to build a powerful confidence so you feel inspired and go for your goals.
Know how to break old habitual negative thinking that scares you or blocks action.
Gain a neuro-strategy for mindfulness that boosts motivation and makes you more mentally tough.
Learn the focusing technique that Harvard taught students that took them from a success rate of 50% on tough projects, up to a consistent 95% successful completion rate.

Dr. Larry Iverson
hr min
1 September
Made for Success