Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical and Computational Biology

Vittorio Cristini and Others
Series • 7 Books • Mathematics
Big Data in Omics and Imaging Big Data in Omics and Imaging
Momiao Xiong
Computational Exome and Genome Analysis Computational Exome and Genome Analysis
Peter N. Robinson, Rosario Michael Piro & Marten Jager
Introduction to Proteins Introduction to Proteins
Amit Kessel & Nir Ben-Tal
Mathematical Models of Plant-Herbivore Interactions Mathematical Models of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Zhilan Feng & Donald DeAngelis
Python for Bioinformatics Python for Bioinformatics
Sebastian Bassi
An Introduction to Physical Oncology An Introduction to Physical Oncology
Vittorio Cristini, Eugene Koay & Zhi-Hui Wang
Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning for Molecular Biology Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning for Molecular Biology
Alan Moses