From Atomic To Mesoscale: The Role Of Quantum Coherence In Systems Of Various Complexities From Atomic To Mesoscale: The Role Of Quantum Coherence In Systems Of Various Complexities

From Atomic To Mesoscale: The Role Of Quantum Coherence In Systems Of Various Complexities

The Role of Quantum Coherence in Systems of Various Complexities

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    • 42,99 €

Publisher Description

This volume presents the latest advancements and future developments of atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics and its vital role in modern sciences and technologies. The chapters are devoted to studies of a wide range of quantum systems, with an emphasis on understanding of quantum coherence and other quantum phenomena originated from light-matter interactions. The book intends to survey the current research landscape and to highlight major scientific trends in AMO physics as well as those interfacing with interdisciplinary sciences. The volume may be particularly useful for young researchers working on establishing their scientific interests and goals.
Contents:Collective Phenomena and Long-Range Interactions in Ultracold Atoms and Molecules:Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Molecules (M L Wall, K R A Hazzard and A M Rey)Optical Manipulation of Light Scattering in Cold Atomic Rubidium (R G Olave, A L Win, K Kemp, S J Roof, S Balik, M D Havey, I M Sokolov and D V Kupriyanov)Seeing Spin Dynamics in Atomic Gases (D M Stamper-Kurn)Atom-like Coherent Solid State Systems:Precision Magnetic Sensing and Imaging Using NV-Diamond (R L Walsworth)Entanglement and Quantum Optics with Quantum Dots (A P Burgers, J R Schaibley and D G Steel)Coherent Nanophotonics and Plasmonics:Enhancement of Single-Photon Sources with Metamaterials (M Y Shalaginov, S Bogdanov, V V Vorobyov, A S Lagutchev, A V Kildishev, A V Akimov, A Boltassevaand V M Shalaev)Linear Optical Properties of Periodic Hybrid Materials at Oblique Incidence: A Numerical Approach (A Blake and M Sukharev)Fundamental Physics:An Introduction to Boson-Sampling (B T Gard, K R Motes, J P Olson, P P Rohde and J P Dowling)New Approach to Quantum Amplification by Superradiant Emission of Radiation (G Shchedrin, Y Rostovtsev, X Zhang and M O Scully)Ultrafast Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields:Circularly Polarized Attosecond Pulses and Molecular Atto-Magnetism (A D Bandrauk and K-J Yuan)Many-Electron Response of Gas-Phase Fullerene Materials to Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Photons (H S Chakraborty and M Magrakvelidze)Ultracold Chemistry:Collisions and Reactions in Ultracold Gases (N Balakrishnan and J Hazra)
Readership: For professional researchers as well as young academics in the field of Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) physics.
Key Features:The contributors for this volume are all internationally recognized experts in their fieldsThis book offers a unique overview of the state of current AMO physics, while outlining future directions. No comparable titles have been identified so far (by editors or by reviewers)All contributions include new unpublished research, and will be of interest for anyone pursuing the scientific investigations in the presented areas

Science & Nature
29 June
World Scientific Publishing Company