"Confessing out the Soul to Conform to the Rhythm of Thought": A Reading of Allen Ginsberg's Beat Poetry/"Confessing out the Soul to Conform to the Rhythm of Thought": 'N Interpretasie van Allen Ginsberg Se Beatpoesie. "Confessing out the Soul to Conform to the Rhythm of Thought": A Reading of Allen Ginsberg's Beat Poetry/"Confessing out the Soul to Conform to the Rhythm of Thought": 'N Interpretasie van Allen Ginsberg Se Beatpoesie.

"Confessing out the Soul to Conform to the Rhythm of Thought": A Reading of Allen Ginsberg's Beat Poetry/"Confessing out the Soul to Conform to the Rhythm of Thought": 'N Interpretasie van Allen Ginsberg Se Beatpoesie‪.‬

Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies 2007, April, 28, 1

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Publisher Description

Much critical writing about the Beat Movement has focused on the strong interrelationship between the literary and social discourses within and around the movement. However, the study of Beat literature also necessitates an awareness of its position within the literary discourse of the twentieth century.

Professional & Technical
1 April
Literator Society of South Africa
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