I Remember the Time... I Remember the Time...

I Remember the Time..‪.‬

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    • 9,49 €

Publisher Description

(Book Length: +66,500) My first memory was at three years old and I was having 105 sutures to close a massive wound across my face. A train hit the car I was riding in on the side I happened to be sitting. In a matter of a seconds, a collision with a train turned me from a beautiful three-year-old blond boy to a scarred, ugly child. The ridicule and taunting that followed from the other children due to the facial scarring transformed me from a happy person into a lonesome, sad child.

As I got older, this escalated to the point of near destruction. The senseless physical abuse and mental torture I endured from my father was unmerciful. As a child, I was a bed wetter until I was somewhere near 10-years-old. My father's solution was to drape the urine-soaked blankets over my head to shame me into not wetting the bed. This added much stress to the already dysfunctional life I lead. I felt that, here again, I was not normal and a freak or misfit. The beatings and agony from my father went on for several years. My father had a much different approach on my bed-wetting. He figured that I was just too lazy to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. He reasoned that I would much rather lie in the bed and urinate all over myself. So his diagnosis and plan was that he would beat it out of me! This punishment did not work, and if anything escalated the problem. These moments seemed to last an eternity. This continued to feed and fuel the hatred deep down inside me that I had for him.

I describe how I ended up homeless at sixteen; my home a tent pitched in the forest, my kitchen and living room a campfire and a folding chair, my grocery store the wilderness that surrounded me.

The descent into the dark hole of pain continued for many years. At times this descending path was a free fall and then it started to slow down. I managed to grab on to something in this crevice I had created and stopped from going any deeper.

At this point in my life, I needed to overcome many past issues: child abuse, homelessness, lack of any formal education and mental health issues. I started in and by the grace of God I met some angels on earth who, along with myself, changed my life. I starting looking at myself in a new light and hope was born within me. Despite all these limitations and issues I went on to have a professional career in the banking and real estate industry. I flourished and found this transition from a hillbilly homeless kid to a white collar executive very rewarding.

I have invented and patented numerous products that are being sold across the United States and Canada. I created a company based on these inventions for the barbecue industry. Over the past 40 years I have founded and still own three companies that are operating today.

I broke the chain of child abuse. I raised my son without ever raising a hand to him. To this day we are best friends and he is my proudest accomplishment in life.

I have “given back” and honored my past angels on earth. I have mentored 6 people that were in the same situation as myself, total despair, with no future. Through their hopes, willing not to give up, hard work and my help, they too have become professionals. They started out as labors just existing on little earnings. They developed into highly skilled pro’s earning six figure incomes and flourishing.

The determination to not fail, but be a winner in life, was strong within me. I read that Vince Lombardi once wrote, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” This has inspired me more than any other seven words written.

15 December
Kim Hemphill