Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir

Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir

    • 8,99 €
    • 8,99 €

Publisher Description

Are you living through a "Dark Night" of the soul? Do you feel lost, worried, disconnected from Source, and even, it seems, from your own self? Could it be you've relinquished the keys to your soul to the outside world? And, do you long to have those keys—the source of your power—back?

Currently, many people are experiencing unsettling events in their lives. Crisis and chaos seem to be the order of the day. Relationship breakups, illness, the loss of a home or job, is leaving many people feeling lost, disconnected and quite frankly, scared.

The good news is, when you discover that something momentous is transpiring at the moment and you understand the purpose of these "Dark Night Times," you will navigate life with much greater confidence, capability and ease. More importantly, you will be initiated into the truth and power of your own Self.

Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir follows an Ivy-League scientist's life when she is thrown into a crisis by unsettling events. Enjoyable as well as illuminating, it tackles important questions such as: What is spiritual awakening and "raising your consciousness" really about? How do we strengthen the relationship with our soul, our higher self, and awaken spiritually? How do we "step into the light?" And how do we know we're on the right track to fulfilling our destiny? This book is both a personal memoir and a no-nonsense guide that explores the steps needed for developing trust in our higher self despite societal expectations, accessing interconnectedness, and understanding our soul's bigger plan. 

In addition, the author discovers that when we reconnect to our soul and follow our inner guidance promptly and consistently, we access a power that's much greater than what's possible using our will alone; we gain the support of the Divine. Which means that miracles and magic will occur that wouldn't have been possible through our will, or our hard work, alone. So don't wait a minute longer. Read Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir today to gain a unique, deeper perspective, live from a deep connection with Source, and awaken to greater peace, power and joy.

Health & Well-Being
6 October
Christine Hoeflich