Super Foods Tropical Fish and Discus Book Super Foods Tropical Fish and Discus Book

Super Foods Tropical Fish and Discus Book

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Publisher Description

Watch Your Fish Grow by the Day!

Make your own Tropical Fish and Discus Cichlids Super Foods and See Your Healthy, Happy Thriving Fish Growing by the Day!

For me writing this book has been an incredible journey, where I have learnt so much about food for my tropical fish and what's best for them.

How the book came about, and the actual writing of this publication, was in truth down to world famous Naked Master Chef “Jamie Oliver” who was the inspiration for me, where he clearly shows after selling more than 20 million of his very many fabulous books written on Great Foods, that there is a real desire and passion for experiencing food that is a real pleasure and joy to eat, and I might also add, very healthy and good for us all, we humans that is!

Then when continuing to decide on writing the book, I also thought of the line from the fabulous film “We Bought a Zoo” where the beautiful Scarlet Johannsson asked Matt Damon “why did he buy the zoo” and to which he replied “why not” and that's how this book come into being, I thought to myself “why not” write a book on tropical fish super foods and as they say, the rest is history.

I really know you will get a really big kick out of this book as a Tropical Fish Hobbyist or Discus Lover. As it is no exaggeration when I say, once your fish begin to eat these “Super Foods” on a regular basis, you will literally see your fish growing by the day!

In the book, you will find a great number of fabulous super food recipes to try for your tropical fish and discus. I know by using any of these recipes, you will eventually have healthy, happy, thriving tropical fish, and growing to a size you could have only imagined.

The Super Foods recipes found in this book, only use fresh meats and vegetables. Perhaps the book is very timely, as we become more aware today of micro beads and other grave pollutant elements finding their way into the water table system and food chain that can harm our pets, wild life and ourselves.

So by making these super foods, at least you know for your peace of mind, what ingredients are used, and another enormous benefit to you, being the massive savings on tropical fish food. Over the months your fish will grow and grow, until eventually, your tropical fish will come into breeding condition and want to spawn, if the water and other aquarium conditions are optimal and right.

So please enjoy this book and the plethora of delights you can now feed to your Tropical Fish and Discus.



INTRODUCTION - A Little Food Secret to Share

INSPIRATION - Philosophy of Healthy Happy Fish

FISH FOODS - A Little Background to Past Diets

FOOD SCIENCE – Proteins and Trace Elements

FOOD RECIPES – High Protein Super Food Recipes

FEEDING NOTES – Additional Recipe Feeding Notes

MAINTENANCE – Tips and Advice

FISH HEALTH – Health Issues of Poorly Tropical Fish           

FOOD SCHEDULE – Author’s Food Tables

TABLES – Essential Reference Tables for Aquarists

ABOUT AUTHOR – Author’s Marine Background

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1 January
Alastair Agutter Digital Publications

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