Can Two Walk Together? The Beginning Can Two Walk Together? The Beginning

Can Two Walk Together? The Beginning

Publisher Description

I can never forget one thing I said when I was in high school. My mom and I were watching the news and I was so frightened and impacted by the portrayal of Africa to the point where I blurted out, "that is one place I will never visit". As I think back to that day, it brings a smile to my face, because I have been to Africa and I grew to love and care for Africa, so much that I miss living there. This brings to memory a bible verse, "Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? Nathanael asked." Likewise I asked, "Africa can anything good come out of there?"

My answer is a resounding yes; my husband is a testimony that something good can come out of Africa. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband who has helped me to grow, specifically in my spiritual life. There has been times when I was rebuked by him but I have learnt that he does it out of love and also for me to continue growing. If I tell you that life has been a bed of roses, that would be a blatant lie; we have had trying times but because of love and with God's help, what could be stumbling blocks are turned into stepping stones. We are about to reach 5 years of marriage and it seems like just yesterday. Our lives have intertwined, we are neither Africans nor Americans something new has come to life a splendid mixture of both cultures.

This book tells how two persons from different continents with very different cultures, can successfully become one in marriage. You will read about our courtship and the difficulties we experienced before our families gave us their blessings for marriage. For those of you who are thinking about getting into a relationship, this book gives information on how God guided the author through prayer and counseling
from pastors to find his soul mate. No matter what your age, go ahead and read of how God guides his children even when it seems like He's taking you down an impossible path.

Religion & Spirituality
24 December
Garikai Katsere