Knowing More about the Ear: Treating Deafness and other Maladies of the Ear Knowing More about the Ear: Treating Deafness and other Maladies of the Ear

Knowing More about the Ear: Treating Deafness and other Maladies of the Ear

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    • 2,99 €

Publisher Description

Table of Contents

The Construction of the Ear
Symptoms of Hearing Problems
Common Problems of the Ear
Middle Ear Problems
Ear Perforations
Inner Ear Problems
Pain in the Ear
“Referred pain”
Neuralgic Pain
Getting Your Hearing Tested
Types of Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Can Deafness Be Cured?
How Does a Hearing Aid Work?
Computer Programmed and Digital Hearing Aids
Cochlear Implants
Preventing Deafness
Cleaning of ears
Loud Sounds
High blood pressure and Diabetes
Your Diet
Neglecting a Cold
Genetic Factors
Author Bio


One of the basic tenets of good health is that you have all your five senses in perfect working condition. These include vision, smell, hearing, touch and taste. That is the reason why responsible parents need to make sure that their children do not suffer from any sort of ear maladies which can possibly lead to deafness as time goes by.

I remember taking over a teaching job temporarily for a friend, more than two decades ago. I had to take care of three year old nursery children which was about as perilous a job, as one could ever wish for. Now there was this very bright-eyed little baby boy, who had never spoken a word. His parents were identified that he was deaf, but they had got his ears checked up, to make sure that he was not suffering from any possible birth defects.

Three years old, not one peep and not one sound out of him, it was worrying. Until one fine afternoon, he announced to his parents that they had better ask me to be his teacher and his teacher alone because he did not want to share me with the rest of his classmates!

When his nearly tearful father asked him why he had not spoken for all these years, he said very practically, that they had made sure that he did not need to talk ever because all his needs were fulfilled. Besides that, they did all the talking all the time so why did he need to talk?
This young gentleman is now at college, and one cannot stop him talking. He has a keen debater and intends to argue the point on every small matter whenever he can, However, he can whenever he can. When once I recounted to him episodes in the life and times off a three-year-old, he gives me a “Come off It Ma’am” look. He never talk? Not going to happen.

When I was a little child my grandfather often told me about a ritual which the elders practice whenever a child was born. They rang the silver bell behind him, to bring all the good spirits near the new born child to bless it. And if the child followed the sound of the bell, they would consider that it would live a good and virtuous life. According to me, this was the way in which they managed to find out whether the child was not suffering from congenital deafness. Also, I keep wondering about those poor little children, who were scared out of their diapers with that harsh clanging noise however much their elders considered it to be musical.

The bell was rung over me, when I was born. According to my grandfather I heard it and set up a howl fit to burst the eardrums of everybody in the vicinity and got all the nurses running to soothe me. This not only proved that I was able to hear, but I was also going to be a potential critic of all the idiotic actions adults did in the future.

So this book is going to tell you all about your ears, how to take care of them, and some ailments of the ears, which can be treated either naturally, or by your doctors.

Health & Well-Being
2 November
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