ManApePig ManApePig


The Hitchhiker's Guide to Humanity

    • 2,49 €
    • 2,49 €

Publisher Description

My cheapskate girlfriend got us a "discount" couple's massage and we had to go to this one man and woman's house who looked like the two bad guys from Home Alone.

The short little husband guy did my massage. He had like 58 times more oil than was necessary on his hands and they were all grotesquely soft. So, when he did your massage it just felt like someone was squishing a bunch of mashed potatoes all over you.

And then he kept cracking his knuckles the whole time... as if it was adding something sensual to the experience. But it just felt like a bunch of carrots breaking.

It was revolting.

But I didn't wanna disappoint my girlfriend. So, I just kept lying there, face down in that slop.

Oh, and of course they were playing some like, weird, silence of the lambs music.

So, I was just lying there listening to that... trying not to inhale their incense... which of course smelled like a bunch of amputated civil war feet. ... being incinerated.

Oh, and they made us sign a waiver too. ... that said we understood it wasn't a sexual experience. So, my girlfriend just drew a little frowny face next to that part.



Shucks. We were hoping Harry and Marv would be down for some role play. I could play that one old guy who smashes'm in the face with a snow shovel.

"Come 'ere, you naughty bandits..."

Oh, sht, I'm supposed to be telling you about this book. Uhhhh... okay. Arlight. So. This is the official Hitchhiker's Guide to Humanity, and it's all about where humanity really came from. Here's a clue. Every single animal is psychologically tailored to be in love with its original environment. There's a reason why people fall so madly in love with places like Hawaii when they go there.

Once we understand where we actually came from, we can finally resolve the mystery of the human condition. We can become smarter, faster, stronger, healthier, more youthful, more vibrant, longer living, emotionally blissful, psychologically harmonized, romantically successful, and we can even structure our societies in a way that makes us FOUR times wealthier. What?!?! Yep. But you'll never know the secrets unless you read about it. ... So, you better!

... or else.

Or else I'll tell Harry and Marv where to find you.

Health & Well-Being
8 September
Bartrolomew McInncel