Multivariate Applications Series

Serie • 27 libros • Psicología
Categorical and Nonparametric Data Analysis Categorical and Nonparametric Data Analysis
E. Michael Nussbaum
Introduction to Item Response Theory Models and Applications Introduction to Item Response Theory Models and Applications
James Carlson
Higher-Order Growth Curves and Mixture Modeling with Mplus Higher-Order Growth Curves and Mixture Modeling with Mplus
Kandauda Wickrama, Tae Kyoung Lee, Catherine Walker O’Neal & Frederick Lorenz
Teaching Statistics and Quantitative Methods in the 21st Century Teaching Statistics and Quantitative Methods in the 21st Century
Joseph Lee Rodgers
Longitudinal Multivariate Psychology Longitudinal Multivariate Psychology
Emilio Ferrer, Steven M. Boker & Kevin J. Grimm
Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS
Barbara M. Byrne
What If There Were No Significance Tests? What If There Were No Significance Tests?
Lisa L. Harlow, Stanley A. Mulaik & James H. Steiger
Longitudinal Analysis Longitudinal Analysis
Lesa Hoffman
Handbook of Item Response Theory Modeling Handbook of Item Response Theory Modeling
Steven P. Reise & Dennis A. Revicki
Categorical and Nonparametric Data Analysis Categorical and Nonparametric Data Analysis
E. Michael Nussbaum