夏におすすめ!無料アプリ×ブック 暮らしに、ビジネスに、遊びにも! スマホですぐできるお得技
Descripción editorial
この夏おすすめのiOS対応無料アプリとブックを、カテゴリ別にご紹介! 熱中症対策に役立つアプリや、おでかけに便利なアプリのあれこれ、この夏話題の映画や富士山に関連するブックまで、たっぷり34こ掲載しています。
普段はあまり気に留めていなかった、意外なアプリやブックに出会えること間違いなし!!! この出会いがあなたを変える夏にしてくれるかも!
According to categories, we will introduce interesting free books and apps which are compatible with iOS. Now, we have 34 books and apps such as, the app that helps you not to get heatstroke, the app that is useful for your outing, and the books about the movies and Mt Fuji, which have been in the news this summer.
There is no doubt that you can encounter surprising books and apps you have hardly ever cared about!
Reading them this summer can change your life!!
★We recommend our books and apps, if you……
・want to enjoy your drive.
・are looking for weather application which is easy to use.
・like horror stories.
・are going to travel abroad.
・would like to be able to speak English.
・want to make money in your free time.
・are worried about your electric bills because it is very hot this summer.
・want to get a lovely girlfriend.