Dispensa V. University State Bank
- $9.00
- $9.00
Descripción editorial
In an attempt to have a six year old default judgment set aside, appellant, Angelo Dispensa filed a bill of review and a suit collaterally attacking the judgment. He claimed that he was not served with the underlying law suit University State Bank filed against him. He claims that this lack of service prevented the court from obtaining personal jurisdiction over him, and made the trial court's judgment void. He also claims that the trial court erred (1) in granting a summary judgment on his collateral attack and in not allowing him to introduce evidence extrinsic to the judgment and (2) in dismissing his bill of review. We conclude that the judgment was not void, but merely voidable because Dispensa received notice of the judgment shortly after it was entered. We also conclude that (1) Dispensa, having received notice of the default judgment shortly after it was entered, lost his right to attack the judgment by a bill of review when he failed to timely use the remedies contained in the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure for setting aside default judgments and (2) Dispensa could not rely on extrinsic evidence to collaterally attack the valid service recitals in the judgment.