Operation Venceremos Operation Venceremos

Operation Venceremos

Undercover in Cuba

    • $199.00
    • $199.00

Descripción editorial

In the beginning of the Cuban Revolution the CIA sends JOHN MICHAELS to Havana as an undercover field officer. His assignment . . . find out what Fidel Castro is up to and where he is taking the country. John’s cover is working for the Ministry of Culture as a leading dancer in the Cuban National Ballet Company. His covert mission is part of OPERATION VENCEREMOS, an ingenious plan designed to precipitate the collapse of international communism.

John takes readers through events prior to his arrival in Cuba, including his CIA recruitment; instruction in espionage tradecraft; black ops training; and undercover field-officer preparation at the Agency’s top-secret facility in Virginia, and his unique world of classical ballet training and performance. While dancing in Hollywood, John falls in love with Margarita Guzman, a beautiful Cuban ballerina, and gets invited to join the Cuban National Ballet Company. This provides a perfect cover and a plausible reason for being in Cuba.

Readers will enjoy John’s adventures in Cuba as he arranges the defection of a Russian collaborator, gathers critical intelligence confirming the arrival to Cuba of thousands of Soviet troops and vast quantities of sophisticated weaponry, and the daring escape across the Florida Straits with Margarita.

About the Author

Born in Southern California, John White Jr. developed an unusual dual interest in ballet and sports. As a track athlete he won the title of Conference Champion while attending Occidental College and found his passion for ballet while taking classes to improve his athletic skills. John began dancing professionally in Hollywood and New York. After two seasons of performing at Hollywood’s Greek Theater he attracted the attention of Alicia Alonso, who invited him to join the newly created Ballet Nacional de Cuba in Havana. While in Cuba, John married Prima Ballerina, Margarita de Saá.

The Whites remained in Cuba following the Bay of Pigs Invasion after diplomatic relations were severed with the United States. Political events, together with economic hardships, made remaining in Cuba untenable. So, the Whites made the difficult decision to leave family and careers behind and return to the United States.

Encouraged by family and friends who knew of John’s background, he has written this novel entitled OPERATION VENCEREMOS (Under Cover in Cuba). The book is based upon his life growing up in California and living in Cuba and is an espionage tale about a spy that comes in from the cold after several years under cover in Castro’s communist Cuba. True experiences, much research, and insider knowledge make readers question if the book is a novel, or, in fact, a memoir.

Misterio y suspenso
8 de marzo
Gatekeeper Press
Gatekeeper Press