Raising Your Self-Esteem
Applied Psychology, no. 9 · Creativity, no. 7
5.0 • 1 calificación
- $119.00
- $119.00
Descripción editorial
It is a rare person in the world today who could not benefit with some help with improving their self-esteem. We are all imperfect, make mistakes, have problems. While it might seem that the people around you are doing so much better than you, the reality is that they are probably just as messed-up and confused.
We cannot help but compare ourselves with the people around us. And in the media, we see idealised versions of perfect people. Despite putting on a brave face, most people judge themselves to be inferior.
There is one benefit to feeling this way; it can make you take a good hard look at yourself, and motivate you to make some changes.
So this eBook is for you if you feel inferior to others, not worthy, flawed, unlovable, unattractive, or just generally a loser.
Be encouraged by the certain knowledge that you already have the capabilities to change these negative beliefs into positive ones that will help you find a whole new enjoyment in life.
Definition of self-esteem
Self-esteem is our evaluation of ourselves; a measure of our perceived worth. It is what we believe and how we feel about ourselves. It is also influenced by what other people think of us.
It is a judgment that we make. Being judgmental is helpful up to a point, but as you will read in this eBook, it can be a harmful mental habit when taken too far. It gets in the way of understanding a person or situation clearly because having decided that something is good or bad, we have effectively declared the matter closed. No further investigation required.
We judge the people in our lives (I like her, but I don’t like him), and we also judge ourselves (I’m so stupid).
We have to lighten up on ourselves and everyone else too by becoming less judgmental.